With no plan really does not stop you unless you are a person who wants to put a hold on your income. Steps to make money selling crafts is to determine what type of craft you make. The first thing you need to do is make your craft. Most people think that everything began with a kind of promotion and not, unless you can not promote something you do not have.
Always make at least 20-50 items that way you have something to promote and get you started. Promote - Once you have made your craft, you need to promote it. The best place to promote the crafts are online at places like etsy.com, eBay.com and Amazon.com. If you are confused give pricing crafts that you created, you can see a similar craft with you to determine the ideal and the affordable prices customers.
Always promote your product at least 3 different places in a way that you can get more sales and make more money. A place online that is not good for promoting in the exhibition, trade show, and swim meets. If you still can not provide value for money, you can see the best and reliable method of how you give a price on your handicrafts at http://amzn.com/B006LQVR2W.